Sunday 15 May 2016

How to be Happy in Life

How to be Happy in Life
Happiness is our internal feelings and it is not a matter of external as it is my personal experience as when I was a young student and worried for what to do , where to go, how to make a living and how to build up a future.I was so worried that I lost weight and suffered from inferiority complex and many self wanted disease.In this state of confusion and for what of happiness I went to an army doctor for treatment.The doctor interviewed and checked me by saying that I am not ill but confused for nothing. He advised me to remain busy by reading, writing and exercising your body and think that there is no morrow and happy like is in today. I acted upon what the doctor advised me and in few days I was as happy as I was.I slept like a dog, forget all about the future and enjoying a happy and fruitful life since then until now. To remain happy and successful in life.

Please the following rules,procedures,suggestion and sayings at your life.

Trust in the God , learn to sleep well, listen good music and you will be happy.Do not take even with your enemies,Do not think to take revenge from opponents forgive your enemies hundred times hundred as said Jesus .Be sure that we are what our thoughts makes us as taking the best side of every event is worth than earning thousands of dollars a year.Do not borrow and never interrupt and interfere the other unnecessarily.Accept the mistake as acceptance of what has happened is the first step to improve upon the worst.Avoid disappointment as it is a sin as well as it is a cause of negative thinking.Always speak truth.Keep yourself busy by remaining gainfully occupied criticise not all nor find fault with anyone and not try to correct or regulate anyone.Think and act cheerfully and you will remain happy and cheerful.Be always with smiling face for making many friends and to remain healthy.Be sincere, cooperative and helpful to all the people to remain happy.The Holy Prophet of the Muslims said that he is the richest person of the world who has more sincere friends than the others.
Reduce your desires expect always for the best and be always hopeful and be self confident and sincere to your work and duty.You should know that he who Overcomes and confines his spirit is mightier than he who takes a city. Be sure that you will exercise daily to remain fresh and happy and to enjoy sound sleep and taste of the food. By remaining gainfully occupied you will be able to avoid negative thoughts such as jealousy, lie,inferiority complex , backbiting etc.Avoid to read poor sexual literature to enjoy real sexual life. Worship God , remain patient and love all the human beings and you will be happy and enjoy a successful life. Imagine that there is no one like you in this world.

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