Sunday 22 May 2016

General Knowledge - Useful Information

General Knowledge - Useful Information
Do you know April 23 , 1616 is the birth date of William Shakespeare as well as he died on the same date.

Do you know two English poets , Keats and Shellay are buried in Rome.

Do you know Petrol name is Gasoline in USA.

You know painting was favorite profession of Winston Churchal.

Do you know the first postal ticket in the world was issued in June 6 , 1840.

You should know that the biggest car manufacturing company in the world in General Motors Corporation.

Do you know that Germans Volks Weagon does not require water.

Canada has the largest store of Radium and Uranium in the world.It was Benjamin Franklin who said that all religions are good because these teach a man to be good.

You know that playing cards have four colors for four seasons and fifty cards for fifty weeks in a year.

You should know that in the fourth century one fourth of the European population had died by Black death.

You know that Mark Antony , Honey Ball , Kalopitra and Lord Eliue had committed suicide.

You know that ancient name of England is ALBION.

You know the famous Muslim General Mohammad Bin Qasim conquered Sindh at the age of 17.

You know first Quiz program was issued on 15 May 1935 from Radio Canada.

The world first famous Encyclopedia Britannica was Published in December 1768.

Brazil has the largest store of Iron in the World.

The two Journalists of Washington Post who revealed the Watergate scandal were carl Barnstyne and Robert Woodward.

You know Aluminium is the first metal to be introduced and used by the people in world.

The newspaper review was the first paper of the world which published articles.

You know Hydrogen is the only element which does not have a Neutron in its Nucleus.

Do you know the Earth revolve around the Sun from west to east.

Edison the inventor of Bulb first presented the bulb in 1881 in Paris.

You know the name UNO was proposed by the American President Roosevelt.

Egypt was the first Islamic country which became the Member of UNO.You know the first crop that was cultivated in the world was barley.

Do you know Friday is supposed unlucky day in Christianity.

Banana is the most eaten fruit in the world.

You know Helium is the only element which whatever maybe cooled will not become solid.


Eighteenth century is known as the spring of chemistry.

Worldwide famous formula of Einstein E= mc2 where C stands for speed of light.

You know peacock and peahen but their kid is called peachick.

You know ice cream was first used in China.

Europe is the only sub continent where there is no Desert.

You know axe is the most ancient tool that was made.

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