Wednesday 25 May 2016

Do not Laugh - Jokes

Do not Laugh - Jokes
1- A fool asked the other fool what is your Birth-date ? The other fool said Sunday. The 1st fool said , oh lier you do not know that it is leave on Sunday.

2- A teacher while teaching a class discharged noisy gas from the backside. The student laughed at him. The teacher asked the student why are you laughing , you do not have that system.The student replied that we have that system but ours is the manual where as your is automatic.

3- Some thieves went to a house at night for burglary and stolen all things except the student bag of the child.The child said to thieves that take my bag with you or I will rise my parents.

4- A Lady Minister was invited to inaugurated a Petrol Pump . After inaugurating the pump , the minister asked the owner of pump , how did to come to know that this piece of land has petrol under it.

5- A village Councillor was invited to see a football match.During the final ceremony after match, the Councillor said that I am sorry that all the players have to chase only one ball, do not worry I will purchase a ball for every single player.

6- A friend to other what is your mother tongue , I have no mother tongue replied to 2nd , why the 1st asked , because my mother is dumb said to other.

7- The mother said to her child go and check who is outside the door.The child after going out comes in tells his mother that there is a person with a mustache.Mother said to the child to go out to tell the man that we do not need mustaches.

8- A glass was placed in opposite position , A person asked an fool to take the glass and bring water for me , fool when saw the glass placed opposite he said sorry the glass is closed from the upper side and as well as it is broken from the bottom.

9- A friend asked the other friend as what about your practice of singing , the other friend replied that I have stopped it because of throat. The first said whether it has become out of order.The 2nd said no , the neighbors have threatened me to press my throat if I sing.

10- Teacher to a student , who invented the injection , student answered THE MOSQUITO.

11- A child asks the other friend what gift has been given to you at your birthday.I have been given a very useful musical instrument.Child , how it is useful. Friend , because my mother gives me 10 dollars everyday for not ringing it.

12- A new prisoner asks to the old prisoner , your relatives do not come here to meet you. Old prisoner , I am lucky because all my relatives live here.

13- A villager first time goes abroad.He goes to airport , the plane was near to fly , stairs were set with plane to climb when the villager tries to go upstairs , the officer in-charge tells him, please wait sir . the villager replies , one hundred and forty pounds sir.

14- A person living in a house of 100 dollars fare.He goes to the owner and says that two cars were fighting in the room.The owner said do you expect of bull fighting in a house of 100 dollars.

15- A road passer by asks a child , where dose that road go to.The child replies it does not goes anywhere  it always stay here.

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